Welcome to Surf Coast Shire's Live webcast website of Council Meetings

Surf Coast Shire offers on-demand video and audio of Council meetings.

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Ordinary Meeting of Council   Date: 26 July 2022, 6pm, Download Meeting Filesize: 250mb


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Order of Business

  • 1 Opening
  • 2 Recording of the Meeting
  • 3 Webcast Notice
  • 4 National Anthem
  • 5 Acknowledgement of Country
  • 6 Apologies and Leave of Absence Requests
  • 7 Declaration of Interest
  • 8 Confirmation of Minutes
  • 9 Items to be Tabled
  • 10 Mayoral Minute
  • 11 Items by exception
  • 12 People
  • 12.1 Financial Assistance - Donation Requests June 2022
  • 12.2 Community Grants Program 2022
  • 12.3 Section 355 Management Committees - 2022 Quadrennial Elections
  • 12.4 Community Bus Revised Model of Service
  • 13 Environment
  • 13.1 Dendrobium Colliery State Significant Application
  • 14 Place and Landscape
  • 14.1 Notification of the Draft Tahmoor Coal Planning Agreement
  • 14.2 Draft Planning Proposal - Mount Taurus, Menangle
  • 14.3 Draft Planning Proposal - 24 Wallaroo Road, Buxton
  • 15 Economy
  • 16 Performance
  • 16.2 Public Exhibition of the Draft Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy
  • 16.3 Supplementary Report - Code of Meeting Practice Post Exhibition Report
  • 16.4 Community Forum Guidelines - Post Exhibition Report
  • 16.5 Exhibition of the Draft Councillor Fees, Expenses and Facilities Policy
  • 17 Notice of Motion/Rescissions
  • 17.1 Notice of Motion - Women in Sport
  • 17.2 Notice of Motion - Support for Australia's Premier Wildlife and Conservation Sanctuary Hub
  • 17.3 Notice of Motion -Support for State Heritage Listing of Appin Massacre Site
  • 17.4 Notice of Motion - Seniors Travel Allowance
  • 17.5 Notice of Motion - Planning for Flood Zones
  • 18 Closed Reports
  • 18.1 Tender Recommendation for the Construction of the Wollondilly Performing Arts Centre
  • 18.2 Lease Renewal for RFS Shed - Part Lot 12 DP 531898, 505 Remembrance Driveway, Cawdor
  • 19 Questions with Notice
  • Previous Meetings

    Meeting Number Date Meeting Type
    View Council Meeting 23 July 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 25 June 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 4 June 2024 Hearing of Submissions
    View Council Meeting 28 May 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 23 April 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 16 April 2024 Special Council Meeting