Welcome to Surf Coast Shire's Live webcast website of Council Meetings

Surf Coast Shire offers on-demand video and audio of Council meetings.

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Ordinary Meeting   Date: , 26 April 2022, Download Meeting Filesize: 1.7gb


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Order of Business

  • 1 Procedural Matters
  • 1.1 Present
  • 1.2 Opening
  • 1.3 Pledge
  • 1.4 Apologies
  • 1.5 Confirmation of Minutes
  • 1.6 Leave of Absence Requests
  • 1.7 Conflicts of Interest
  • 1.8 Presentations
  • 1.9 Public Question Time
  • 2 Petitions and Joint Letters
  • 2.1 Acknowledgement of Petition for a Surf Coast Athletics Facility - Surf Coast Athletics Incorporated
  • 2.2 Acknowledgement of Petition and Joint Letter - 69 Barwon Terrace Winchelsea
  • 3 Notices of Motion
  • 4 Responsible and Planning Authority
  • 4.1 Planning Scheme Amendment C134 - Implementation of the Winchelsea Town Centre and Highway Design Guidelines
  • 4.2 Amendment C140 - Correctional Amendment
  • 5 Strategy and Effectiveness
  • 5.1 Draft Budget 2022-23 for Public Exhibition
  • 6 Community Life
  • 6.1 SCS-015 Control of Noise from Recreation Reserves Policy Review
  • 6.2 Community Asset Committee Changes to Membership - Deans Marsh Hall, Connewarre Reserve, Globe Theatre and Stribling Reserve
  • 7 Place Making and Environment
  • 7.1 Emissions Reduction Targets and Roadmap
  • 7.2 Transfer of Council Managed Land to GORCAPA - Status Report April 2022
  • 7.3 Bells Beach Committee - Term Extension
  • 7.4 SCS-012 Signage on Council Managed Land Policy Review
  • 8 Strategy and Effectiveness
  • 8.1 Project Budget Adjustments and Cash Reserve Transfers - April 2022 .
  • 8.2 Quarterly Finance Report - March 2022
  • 8.3 Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation - Planning and Environment Act 1987
  • 8.4 Councillor Appointment to Audit and Risk Committee
  • 8.5 Councillor Expenses and Attendance at Meetings - March Quarter
  • 8.6 Conflict of Interest Records
  • 9 Urgent Business
  • 10 Closed Section
  • 10.1 Award of Contract T22-002 Kerbside Waste Collection
  • Previous Meetings

    Meeting Number Date Meeting Type
    View Council Meeting 23 July 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 25 June 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 4 June 2024 Hearing of Submissions
    View Council Meeting 28 May 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 23 April 2024 Ordinary Meeting
    View Council Meeting 16 April 2024 Special Council Meeting